dan's Tips Cont'd. - Pg. 2 

Here's the bathroom countertop done. I tiled it with the same tile as was used on the floor. And there are lots of lights so the squishies can apply their war paint.

Here's the bathroom entry door, with a little Ozark flavor thrown in for good measure. The top with cutouts is cypress and the door is yellow pine.


I finally got all the trim work done around the shower and just lack setting my cabinets and building a vanity countertop. Then this will finally be finished. I've been using yellow pine and cypress for all of the trim and woodwork. The doors are all yellow pine, too. Nine foot high ceilings sure make everything feel roomy. 


Sorry for the messes in the picture, but I was trying to get this done and get to the shop for more gunwork. That buck on the extreme right was 8 or 9 years old and one of the few mounts I didn't lose in the house fire. The mount is at least 25 years old and I took him with a flintlock I'd built when I was 18 years old. 

I finally got some furniture moved in and a few things placed on the walls. The striper on the left weighed 24 pounds and was caught on the War Eagle arm of Beaver lake on 14 lb. line during a huge flood! The one on the right weighed 28 lbs. and was caught on Beaver lake also.